Will I?

By Amy Sittler Pike, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U), Properties Board Director
We’ve all had what I like to call the Will I? internal dialogue. When starting something new, self-doubt fills our heads. Will I fit in? Will they like me? Will I have fun? Will I this, or will I that? Often, these questions occur while I’m washing my hair and I get lost in deep thought, or they happen in my car as I sit in the parking lot and try to figure out how the next few minutes or hours will play out. Sometimes, the Will I? questions are answered quickly; other times, we have to patiently wait.
The Will I fit in? and Will they like me? questions were answered almost immediately when I went through recruitment and met the sisters of AOII. I just knew this was where I belonged, and that I had found my home. However, upon joining and getting fully immersed, my sense of belonging waned and I considered saying goodbye. But I decided to complete my first year and give Year Two a try. I’m so glad I did. That second year started with recruitment and the prospect of being matched with a “little sis.” I didn’t have a relationship with my own big – she dropped out within weeks of our matching – so I was leery of how this big/little relationship would unfold. Those worries were unfounded: My match was perfect, and almost instantaneously my sense of belonging and recommitment to AOII was solidified.
It is amazing how the concepts of belonging and commitment are intertwined. When you feel like you belong, you prosper. And when you prosper, your commitment intensifies. As I work with the Membership Connection Committee, I am constantly reminded of the sisters who have touched my life and have developed and fostered me along the way. You might receive a note of thanks, an appreciation call, or a check-in email from these Committee members. Why? Well, we all know that sometimes our sense of belonging can be questioned – not by others, necessarily, but by ourselves. Those Will I? doubts come back and we ask ourselves if we still fit in. Do I still belong? This is the beauty of AOII and the beauty of having that sense of belonging. As a wise and dear friend often reminds me and others, AOII will always have a place for you.
Knowing that there is always a place for me within AOII helps answer those Will I? questions. I am grateful for friendships that help renew and strengthen my sense of belonging when needed. So, who are those sisters who help renew your sense of belonging? Take time to send them a note to express your gratitude, thank them for their service, or simply say hello. You never know who might be asking themselves those Will I? questions, and maybe you will be the answer they need.