Summer Ambitions

by Jessie Wang-Grimm, Phi Chi (U of Chicago), International Vice President

Pencils down! The school year is behind many of us, and as boxes are packed, books returned and collegians head off to the next big adventure or home for the summer, it’s time to reflect on our summer ambitions! Yes, that’s right—what are your summer plans and goals? Whether you are poolside, beachside, or hard at work, consider how you can inspire ambition in yourself and others!
Perhaps you plan to start a summer internship. This is an excellent opportunity not only to develop your skill set and professionalism, but also to build your network of contacts and mentors in the industry you are exploring. Remember that there are NPC-affiliated alumnae in every field, and they are happy to help you grow and learn. You just have to ask. Sorority women love to connect, and when they see your leadership skills and determination at work, they recognize that you offer a different set of talents because of your sorority engagement. I know that in my office, I have often advocated for the intern candidates who bring sorority experience to the table. And remember, it’s not as hard as you might think to find out more about people. Put those recruitment skills to work, asking open-ended questions, having a prepared short elevator speech about yourself prepared in your mind, keeping a smile going and always showing positive energy!
Are you fortunate enough to be heading to AOII International Convention in Orlando? I can’t think of a better way to get excited about your leadership in AOII and make great use of our educational sessions. It’s also a great opportunity to soak up some special Ritual moments that you will only see at Convention, witness a business session to see how our Council makes important decisions, and connect with hundreds of other collegians who are learning, leading, and serving just like you are!
If you are home for the summer, working locally or taking classes, this would be a fantastic time to connect with AOII alumnae in the area. Perhaps you can personally say hello and thanks to the AOII alumna who recommended you to AOII. If the local alumnae chapters host summer events or there is a Strike Out Arthritis ball game scheduled in your city, get a few friends together and go! There are women of all backgrounds in our alumnae groups, and they could be of great inspiration and support to you. Your AOII involvement does not span only the school year, so seize this chance to find out more about AOII closer to home.
If your summer plans take you to another city, look up AOII alumnae and share what you are up to! You never know when someone will join you for coffee and share about their journey. Many summers, I have taken collegians out for a quick bite and gotten to know them better, while also sharing about the legal field. It’s always a fun and rewarding time. Inspire your ambition throughout the summer!