Recruitment is My Favorite Time of the Year

By Ally Rodriguez, Xi (U of Oklahoma), International Vice President
Recruitment is the season when we welcome the new heartbeat of each chapter. This is a time when some of the strongest bonds and fondest memories are formed. Through late nights, early mornings, and practicing conversations, we grow stronger as members and chapters.
As a former recruitment advisor, I understand the exhaustion of these late nights and early mornings. Yet, there’s something special about guiding the chapter in welcoming the next generation of members that always energized me. It’s inspiring to watch young women grow and achieve things they once thought impossible. To watch them gain confidence, knowing that among the women they recruit, one might become Chapter President, International President, or even their best friend.
Being a Recruitment Advisor is crucial because recruitment sets the tone for the upcoming year. It establishes what members will expect and look forward to. A fun, exciting, and successful recruitment sets the stage for a fantastic year.
A mentor and sister of mine once said, “we stand on the shoulders of giants, and we are only as great as those we choose to build our legacies.” This is why Alpha Omicron Pi’s future success depends on recruitment, and the advisors that support the chapters not only during recruitment but during year-round planning. Their guidance and dedication ensure that each new member is well-prepared to uphold our values. The continuous support from advisors helps maintain the strength and unity of our sisterhood throughout the years.
All of your hard work is felt on Bid Day when new members run down the street to their new home with such pure joy and excitement. It is an unforgettable moment. Seeing their smiles and hearing their cheers fills your heart with immense satisfaction. It’s a powerful reminder of the impact you’ve made and the lasting legacy you’re helping to create.
I recall a letter Stella wrote to new members in 1939: “let us remember that it is all the wheat growing together that prospers the field, all drops flowing together that make one stream.” The continuance of Alpha Omicron Pi depends on recruiting the next generation to carry on our name and values. It takes all of us coming together to achieve this goal, and we show eternal gratitude to our sisterhood, members, and advisors each year. Without them, our fields would not grow, and our stream would not flow.
As we look to the future, let us remember that each recruitment season is an opportunity to strengthen our sisterhood and build upon the legacy of Alpha Omicron Pi. The bonds we form, the leaders we cultivate, and the values we uphold are the foundation of our enduring success. Together, we create a vibrant and supportive community that continues to thrive year after year. With each new member, we not only welcome a sister but also a future leader who will carry forward our traditions and values. Let us embrace this journey with enthusiasm and gratitude, knowing that our collective efforts will ensure the prosperity of Alpha Omicron Pi for generations to come.