What Is Your Answer?

by Karen Hickman, Theta (DePauw University), Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee
How do you live Ritual in your daily life? The simple answer is that everyone lives it differently, just as each sister has her own interpretation of what Ritual means to her. No two sisters will have the same answer. This is how our Founders meant it to be. In our Ritual, the Founders wrote that they would not attempt to tell us how to perform this work. It is up to each one of us. Let’s get going…
Everyone has something they’re good at. Why not start there? If you are a baker, why not gift some sweet treats to a friend who has had a tough go of it? Nothing beats fresh-from-the-oven baked goods when you’re down. Are you an encourager or a cheerleader? Offer to attend a presentation a colleague is leading to show support and unity in the workplace. You can attend a sporting event (maybe a 5K race or softball game) and root for a friend no matter what her time or score of the game. What about that elderly neighbor who is baffled by technology? You probably have the time to help them understand something new so they can keep up with technology and surprise the grandchildren.
What’s a passion or interest of yours? We all have one, and some of us probably have more than one. Volunteer at an animal rescue if you like cats. You’re a culinary whiz, why not cook at a shelter and provide yummy meals for those in need? You do taxes for a living? Many community centers offer simple tax preparation services for local residents and need the experts to make it happen. We all want our voice to be heard. Show your support by working on a candidate’s campaign for office or by volunteering in the office of an elected official between elections. Support AOII’s philanthropy of arthritis and the Arthritis Foundation, whether you attend a Strike Out event, or run in or offer support assistance for a Jingle Bell Run event.
Let’s talk about random acts of kindness. These gems are so easy and abundant. Hold the door for a stranger. Smile at someone. Let someone “cut” in line at the grocery store because you see they’re obviously in a hurry (boy – this takes them by surprise!). Clear your walkway of snow and keep going to do the same for your neighbors on each side of your property. Give your seat to someone on the bus. Walk the dog (yes, animals count too!).
There’s no right or wrong answer as to how to live Ritual in your daily life. It is up to you. Keeping your light hidden is of no worth to anyone. Make the choice, on a daily basis, to be that shining light for all to see.
If you have questions or need ideas from the Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee (RT&J), please don’t hesitate to contact us at RT&J@alphaomicronpi.org.