What’s Happening In AOII Properties?

It’s a busy time for AOII Properties, with many upcoming deadlines, staffing changes and plans for the future. Keep reading for more information and important dates for your calendars!
Upcoming Deadlines
Housing Agreements and Development Agreements are due to AOII Headquarters no later than February 15, 2018. Please remember to alphabetize before mailing and address them to your Assistant Director of Properties.
Staff Updates
We are excited to introduce our new Assistant Director of Properties, Brook Clifford. She was a charter member of our Nu Omega Chapter and oversees Networks 1, 2, 7 and 8. Brook is an excellent addition to our team, and she cannot wait to work with all of our chapters and volunteers!
We are looking to hire an additional Assistant Director of Properties. If you or anyone you know is interested in working for AOII, follow this link to learn more about this position. You can email your resume to AOII’s Director of Administration, Amanda Smith at asmith@alphaomicronpi.org.
Five Year Plans & Priority Lists
Five Year Plans are currently being distributed. In order to convey a consistent message to our chapters and receive their feedback, we are conducting calls with each chapter to discuss their plan. Each Five Year Plan includes projects to complete, items to purchase or distribution of funds that Properties hopes to provide chapters during the coming years. The goal is that these plans create a schedule for chapters to receive updates and items to keep them safe and competitive. Five Year Plans were created after conversations with AOII staff, Board members, collegiate women, advisers and network teams. These plans are fluid and can be altered as other circumstances, such as life and safety issues, arise or as the needs of the chapter changes.
This year, AOII Properties has decided to move away from Priority Lists, and instead incorporate them into Five Year Plans, while also addressing needs throughout the year. We want to ensure our chapters aren’t waiting until the end of the year to request necessary items. Instead of asking for these lists once a year, we will communicate monthly with our chapters to discuss any needs and wants. By opening up this line of communication, we hope to establish stronger relationships with our chapters and members.