Meet Your AOII Properties Staff

While we have already introduced you to your Assistant Director of Properties, AOII Properties staff is more than just two people. There are six staff members located at AOII Headquarters who work together to provide an exceptional living learning experience for all of our collegiate members, regardless of whether they have a facility.
Mandy Doyle
Director of Properties
Mandy, Omicron (U of Tennessee), oversees the operational side of AOII Properties. She works directly with the Properties Board to to develop business plans, strategic plans and policies. She implements operational tasks for the Properties staff designed to fulfill the goals set by the Properties Board. She also supervises the daily operations of Properties staff, and works directly with the Executive Director of AOII and other members of AOII leadership.
Angela Matula
Member Finance Manager
Angela oversees Corporation billings for all AOII chapters. As the Member Finance Manager, she is responsible for billing room and board, development fees, damage deposits, as well as building and furnishing fees. She works with Billhighway on collections and other financial questions and can help if a member or chapter was billed incorrectly.
Katherine Kirby
Assistant Director of Properties – Facility Enhancement
Katherine, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U), works with the interior designers hired by AOII to decorate and update all of our facilities. She oversees CapEx projects – projects funded by AOII to update facilities in need – to ensure they are completed on time and within budget. She coordinates with CSL and other project managers to search for potential housing for chapters. She also facilitates discussion with university officials, chapters and Corporation Relations Advisers regarding current and future projects.
Allyson Koziol
Assistant Director of Properties – Communications
Allyson, Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska at Kearney), works to streamline all of our communication to the network volunteers and chapter leadership. She creates communication that provides more transparency, as well as create concise information about what AOII Properties is and how we can help our chapters. This position also focuses on training for various positions that work directly with AOII Properties (House Directors, Corporation Relations Advisors, etc.).