Finding Balance
by Caroline Craig Lazzara, Lambda Beta (California State U, Long Beach), AOII Properties Board Director
Work-life balance is used to describe the balance a person needs between the times allocated for work and other aspects of life. Recent studies indicate 16% of American workers reported difficulty finding balance between work and family.
So how do we balance AOII, school and work? At various times in our life, it can be real challenge! When I was in college, I worked part-time, carried a full school load and was a leader in my collegiate chapter. Finding balance didn’t come easy, but was necessary to be successful.
Time management was essential then and remains that way for me today. Calendaring is my top priority. I still love an old-fashioned paper calendar, but I’ve never gotten into color coding! As a new school year begins, and I reflect, I’m amazed at all that could be packed into a week!
My classes were held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and I worked on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday mornings. Chapter meetings were held on Monday nights and Leaders’ Council on Friday afternoons. Weekday afternoons and Wednesday evenings were spent in the library on 2 West. Living in AOII chapter housing, that provided meal service, was fantastic! No meal planning, no grocery shopping, no cooking!
My support system was my chapter sisters and fellow officers. Knowing when to ask for help and delegate was key to not being overwhelmed. Are you asking for help when it’s most needed?
Turning off distractions or “unplugging” is an additional way of finding balance. Are phones allowed in chapter meetings or dinners? Are you in constant contact via text messages? Finding time to connect, converse and build meaningful friendships with sisters will enrich not only your collegiate experience but also your life in the years ahead.
“Me time” may sound selfish, but is critical to achieving balance. Strive to carve out a minimum of 10-15 minutes each day to focus on yourself. That may be a daily devotion, meditation or a quick walk to 7-11! Fall in love with taking care of yourself: mind, body and soul.