AOII Properties: 2018 To 2019

As AOII Properties looks back on our accomplishments in 2018, we are eager to take these experiences into the New Year and continue to provide the best possible experience for our collegiate chapters.
In 2018, we added several new staff members, including two Assistant Directors of Properties – Brook and Andi. Mary Faith took over the role of Assistant Director of Properties – Facility Enhancement in the New Year. The additional Assistant Director of Properties role has enabled our staff to spend more time focusing on individual chapter needs.
We implemented monthly communication to our chapters and networks consisting of Properties updates, chapter updates, reminders and due dates to networks and chapters. In addition to monthly emails, we created Five Year Plans for each individual chapter. These plans outline potential projects AOII Properties wants to see done at each chapter. We were able to send these plans and hold phone calls with each chapter to discuss their plan.
Education was also an important aspect of 2018. We held our first Corporation Relations Adviser training alongside our House Director training. Nineteen advisers were able to attend and had opportunities to ask questions about their role, meet other advisers and provide feedback to us. We published multiple resources for our chapters, including manuals for facility and non-facility CorpRAs. Another available resource is a Budget Explanation Guide for chapters and advisors. A major accomplishment in 2018 was placing Housing and Development Agreements online for women to sign electronically, rather than mailing them to us.
In the last fiscal year (July 2017 to July 2018), AOII provided chapter meals for 84 chapters. We used Corporation funds to purchase branded items for chapters, including tablecloths, rugs and tents. Properties spent $2.5 million on interior design, life and safety concerns and maintenance. Five house dedications occurred during fall 2018. Southern Living magazine even featured Delta Gamma’s (Missouri State University) facility. If you have not already, check out the article “You Have to See This Year’s Most Over-the-Top Sorority House Makeover”.
In 2019, you can look forward to continued communication from AOII Properties as well as a dedication to service and creating a living learning environment for all our collegiate chapters. We are working with the Education team to finalize a new Property Manager Manual, as well as creating more resources for chapters. AOII Properties is gearing up for this year’s projects and we will be connecting with chapters soon.
The entire AOII Properties staff looks forward to working with your chapter this year!