Sorority Members Use Their Voice And Their Vote

by Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), 2017-2019 NPC Chairman

Ratified on Aug. 18, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted American women the right to vote – a right known as woman’s suffrage. However, before the ratification, women, who became members of our 26 member organizations, found courage to establish women’s-only organizations where they had voice and vote in a safe forum.
Many of the early leaders in our organizations were also active in the women’s suffrage movement, advocating for us, the future generation, when they petitioned for voting rights and the right to run for office. I’m confident they would be proud of the sorority women who work in public service or hold office across all forms of government today.
Generally speaking most of us take our voting rights seriously and cast our ballot on election day. It’s part of our duty as community citizens and every vote really does count. But, if you don’t, this is a reminder the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) supports and encourages not only our members but all women to pursue economic, social and political equity, along with leadership and civic engagement.
Women have the power in 2018. Through our votes, we can help put more qualified women candidates into office since more women than ever before are running at state and local levels.
I encourage you to become an educated voter, exercise your power and encourage other women to register to vote if they have not done so.
Register To vote (voter voice)
Let’s do our part and honor those women who came before us who fought for the rights and privileges of which we enjoy today. Spread the word and use your vote.