The Road Map To Ensuring Sorority Communities Stay Vibrant And Healthy

by Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), 2017-2019 NPC Chairman

As the National Panhellenic Conference and its 26 member organizations continue to advocate for and preserve the sorority experience, a new strategic plan has been adopted by the NPC Board of Directors. The plan encompasses three priorities which broadly define the key approaches NPC volunteers and staff will use during the next few years to accomplish our mission and drive toward our vision of Advancing the Sorority Experience Together.
The three priorities are: champion the sorority experience, foster strategic growth of Panhellenic communities and leverage the collective strength of our member organizations. These priorities are the outcomes NPC aspires to achieve, and the strategies under each priority are the approaches we will take to achieve our goals.
View the 2019-2022 NPC Strategic Plan
The 2019-22 strategic plan is a reminder that if NPC is to thrive, we need to continue to look ahead and be visionary. This means we must embrace the fact the world around us is ever-changing. New technologies, social media, changing societal norms, competitive job markets and an altered educational system have undeniably changed the life of today’s collegian. With these topics in mind, take note of some of the key words in our strategic plan – protect, advocacy, diversity, growth, collaboration, develop and support.
Bottom line, it’s our goal to remain relevant to future generations of young women. Thus, NPC’s 2019-22 strategic plan is the road map we will take toward ensuring our sorority communities stay vibrant and healthy now and into the future.