Advancing The Sorority Experience Together Since 1902

by Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), 2019-2021 NPC Chairman
May 24, 2021, marks the 119th anniversary of the National Panhellenic Conference’s founding. Since 1902, NPC has provided the perfect forum for women to discuss common interests and possibilities. It has been a safe environment where women could express their views and exercise their vote even before the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920.
NPC has been in the business of women nurturing women for a long time. We recognize that relationships are critical and it’s important to cultivate those relationships in order for there to be trust. Within NPC, these strong bonds of friendship are built on years of working with each other, respecting each other and trusting each other. We know we can lean on each other in times of crisis or even during times when we need to gain a better understanding of a different perspective. This mutual trust allows us to achieve our desired outcomes together and this trust encourages us to work collaboratively as we work to advance the sorority experience. It’s my hope that all of our College and Alumnae Panhellenics also have special friendships and value their Panhellenic relationships as much as their sorority membership.
We are part of an organization of women dedicated to sharing the benefits of sorority membership with other women. NPC provides opportunities for lifelong friendships and support for both collegiate and alumna members. We are one of the largest, most visible and most active values-based organizations on college and university campuses. Although our colors, jewels and letters differ from one another, the 26 member organizations of NPC all share a common code of friendship, academic advancement, philanthropic service and pursuit of excellence.
As I look back on the past year and the journey we have all taken, there are so many takeaways and opportunities that give me hope for the future of the fraternal movement. But the most important is that the value sororities provide is more relevant now than ever and the benefits of sorority are more important now than they have ever been. It has been a challenging year with challenging issues, but we have leaned on our sorority experience and each other for strength, advice, encouragement and comfort.
So, as we celebrate NPC’s founding, let’s also celebrate the close friendships we have with our Panhellenic sisters. What better way than to make a donation to the NPC Foundation in honor of a Panhellenic sister you admire and respect.
We are the benefactors of all that has been given to us by previous leaders, and our shared commitment as a unified coalition of women has resulted in positive outcomes that impact all of us. It’s up to all of us to ensure the Panhellenic sisterhood and ideals in which we believe can endure change and remain a constant in this ever-changing world.
Happy Founders’ Day to you all!