Rediscover and Explore AOII Rituals, Ceremonies and Services

By Sarah Elliott, Delta Omega (Murray State University), Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee
New 2022 editions of AOII’s three Ritual publications – Rituals Book, Book of Rituals Instructions and the Ritual Education Manual – are being distributed to chapters and volunteers this summer and fall. The Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee is responsible for periodically reviewing and updating these publications. RT&J would like to share with you some of the thoughts about these publications from the introduction of the Book of Rituals Instructions.
“Rituals are the heart of Alpha Omicron Pi. Times change and years pass, but the philosophy expressed in our Rituals remains constant and binds us together as sisters and friends.
So dearly did our Founders Stella, Bess, Jessie, and Helen treasure their friendships that they wished others to share similar relationships. The result was Alpha Omicron Pi. So wisely did the Founders state our purpose that the Ritual for Initiation has been altered only slightly through the years. We understand that sometime after 1925 Stella changed the wording of the Initiation Pledge slightly in order to clarify its meaning. That and a few other minor changes in wording and procedures are the only modifications that have been made in the original Ritual.
The enduring relevance and significance of our Ritual is a great source of pride for members of Alpha Omicron Pi. The principles, values, and fundamental truths expressed in our Ritual provide sources of comfort, strength, and guidance for our members through the years.
To realize the many benefits of our AOII philosophy, principles, and values, each member must develop a personal relationship with our Ritual. The Book of Rituals Instructions (BRI) is intended to assist with that lifelong process. First published by our Founders, the BRI describes in detail the procedures that are used for each Ritual, Ceremony, and Service. This manual strives not only to increase members’ knowledge, familiarity, and comfort with our procedures, but also with our philosophy. As her knowledge about our Ritual grows, its significance and meaning can deepen for each member and her personal relationship with it can be more fully realized.
The Book of Rituals Instructions, along with new editions of the Rituals Book and Ritual Education Manual (REM accessible on Fulfilling the Promise), are complimentary and are best used together for impressive presentations of the Rituals, Ceremonies and Services and to facilitate understanding of the philosophy and traditions of Alpha Omicron Pi.
The RT&J Committee is dedicated to helping initiated members enhance their understandings and relationships with our Ritual. Please do not hesitate to contact members of the committee with comments, feedback, observations, suggestions, input, and questions about Ritual and Ritual education. Our hope is that these new publications will enhance the performance of our proceedings and help each member realize and benefit from the true meaning of Alpha Omicron Pi membership throughout her life.”
RT&J encourages you to explore the new Ritual publication editions to experience the familiar and to discover the newly included materials.
You may contact the Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee (RT&J) about anything Ritual-related at RT&