My Oh My, How Lucky It Is To Be An AOII

by Katie Johnson, Alpha Pi (Florida State U), 2019-2020 Educational Leadership Consultant

As a freshman going through Panhellenic Recruitment at Florida State University, I had no idea what being in a sorority had in store for me. Joining Alpha Omicron Pi has changed my life in so many ways, but it’s not just about the friendships I’ve made or the memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. It’s about the opportunities that AOII has given me that have shaped me into the best version of myself.
It wasn’t by luck or chance that I received a bid from AOII five years ago, but I can’t begin to explain how lucky I am to have been offered that bid. Whether you join a sorority for the leadership opportunities or to find a group of likeminded women at a university with over 60,000 students, AOII provides more than what you’re looking for. It offers countless opportunities for leadership development, education, relationship building, networking and even personal growth at a collegiate and alumnae level. After being involved as an active member for four years, it’s definitely a transition when you become an alumna. Finding your niche once you’ve graduated can be difficult as there are so many opportunities to continue to get involved as an alumna.
I’m lucky to have been offered my dream job of working as an Educational Leadership Consultant for AOII. Weirdly enough, I have the organization that’s employing me to thank. Without my experiences in AOII throughout college, I would have never developed the skills to obtain this job. Getting involved at the alumnae level has changed my entire perspective of being an AOII. I have a whole new network of women supporting me and rooting for my success in my professional life. Women who I can connect with on a deeper level because I know we share values and characteristics instilled in us by Alpha Omicron Pi.
Without AOII, I would have never been bold enough to wholeheartedly go after the things that I want. The women of Alpha Pi (Florida State U) instilled a confidence in me to be a strong leader. They truly inspired my ambition to follow my dreams and pursue my passions. The best part about my experience with AOII is not the exciting roles I was able to take on, but the potential that AOII and my sisters saw in me to place me where I am in my life today. The trials and life lessons AOII has taught me is by far more rewarding than the leadership opportunities I have been provided.
The second I embraced being a sorority woman is the second my life changed for the better. I may not have seen my potential, but I had a group of women who saw it and knew what I needed to be the best version of myself. There are so many strong women walking around our campuses, go out and inspire them. How lucky are we to be a part of something so much bigger than ourselves?