Collegiate Virtual Engagement Ideas

Continuing the Chapter Experience Virtually
It is important that we continue engagement with the members of our chapters during times when we cannot be together in person. We want our chapters to continue to build an adapted chapter experience for our members to participate in. Alpha Omicron Pi has many opportunities that don’t require meeting face to face.
It is recommended that you send an email to members of your chapter indicating the types of equipment they will need in order to engage in chapter business and other activities while conducting a virtual chapter experience.
Some ideas for activities that can take place virtually are outlined below. This list is by no means exhaustive and we encourage you to use your creativity in finding the best ways to connect with your members.
Leaders Council and Other Office Meetings
- The chapter can and should continue to host Leaders Council meetings/conference calls. Chapters can create a free Zoom account or meet via Google Hangout.
- You can continue to have weekly virtual meetings with your positional adviser to plan for the fall or face chapter issues that come up during this virtual experience.
- This is a great time to begin calendar planning for the 2020-21 academic year.
Chapter Business
- Chapter officers should send information to all chapter members each week that includes updates, information and announcements.
- There may be business that comes up that is essential to vote on, and voting on chapter business can take place virtually during this time. These votes should be limited to those votes that are absolutely necessary.
- In order to host a virtual chapter vote, it is recommended that a chapter officer prepare the information that is necessary to be voted on and send this information out at least 48 hours before the chapter is to vote on this.
- Then the chapter can utilize the services of SurveyMonkey or a Google Form to track and gather the votes and other information from all chapter members.
- Then a formal vote at the first chapter meeting of the academic year should be taken to ratify all electronic votes taken during this time period and reflected in the minutes of that meeting. (To ratify a vote: I move to ratify the vote to ….. that was taken via Survey Monkey on xx/xx/xxxx.)
- If your chapter still needs to complete the IME, the VPE should designate a date/time during which the chapter will complete the IME. On that date, all chapter members (from their remote locations) are expected to log onto Fulfilling the Promise and complete the online portion within a set timeframe. After completing the IME, members should email their scores to the designated administrator(s). The oral portion can be made up in the future when the chapter can meet in person.
- New member meetings can continue for the remainder of the semester so that new members don’t feel disengaged from the chapter. The New Member Educator should work with her adviser and NS-Recruitment on a plan to execute these meetings virtually either via Zoom or Google Hangout! Additionally, you may plan to initiate your new members in the fall when you are permitted to return to campus or during the summer when you host a sisterhood retreat or recruitment workshop. Your Assistant Director of Collegiate Experience/Assistant Director of Growth and your NS-Recruitment/NSDevelopment can help you to make these plans so that your new members feel really special.
Member Engagement
- Host small virtual get-togethers. The chapter can be split into diverse groups, and each virtual session can be led by one LC officer. Alternatively, these sessions can be based on interest, such as women who love The Bachelor, fitness enthusiasts, or those who enjoy the arts. These get-togethers serve as a way to keep members feeling connected.
- Set up standing, virtual study sessions. Create a Zoom meeting/Google hangout that can be accessed by anyone who is studying and wants to join, with the understanding that the purpose of the “meeting” is to get studying/work done.
- Utilize Zoom’s breakout room feature for smaller group discussions. While on a Zoom call, the chapter members could be split up into smaller groups for more intimate discussion time and then brought back together to share about their discussions with the larger group. This method promotes engagement as a large group and more interpersonal connections in the smaller groups.
- Utilize social media to build connections. Many chapters currently engage in posting on social media using hashtags like #WhyAOIIWednesday. You might also consider creating “tag a sister who” posts to continue making member connections.
- Set up “coffee talk calls”! Pair each person in the chapter randomly with another person for a short one-on-one FaceTime or video call. These calls can be fun opportunity for your chapter members, especially the newest member class, to get to know one another. They’re called “coffee talk calls” because they might include coffee or even a donut, but food is not required for these to be effective! Pairing could be done using an online randomizer like AND, don’t forget to tag our International President, Crystal Combs, when you have a great “coffee talk”!
- Use a free service like QuizBreaker to send out icebreaker questions to your chapter members once a week. You could have members guess who answered each question. If you’re part of a larger chapter, you might consider breaking up into smaller groups for more engagement with this.
- Host a virtual chapter dinner. Continue your chapter dinners virtually, meal prep and eat together on Zoom or Facetime. Sometimes these small sisterhood moments go unappreciated but have the biggest impacts.
Recruitment Planning and Preparation
- If you were in the midst of recruiting women through the COB process, be sure to stay in touch with these women! You can utilize the same practices in the member engagement areas above. If your Panhellenic will allow you can vote to extend these women a bid, work with your Assistant Director of Collegiate Experience/Assistant Director of Growth and your NS-Recruitment/NS-Development to discuss how to integrate them into your fall new member class.
- Recruitment plans will continue to be due on April 15th. The VP of Membership Recruitment should virtually meet with her ERC and adviser(s) to discuss plans.
- The VPMR and Recruitment Adviser should virtually meet with their NS-Recruitment to discuss plans.
- The VPMR can electronically collect excuses submitted by members who may miss all or part of work/polish week or primary recruitment.
- Song practice can still be held. Have the song chair record a video of her singing songs to be used in the upcoming recruitment. Then send all chapter members the lyrics and the video and have them learn these songs. A PowerPoint could be created that shows all the lyrics.
Member Accountability
- Please note that all chapter members are still expected to follow the Governing Documents of Alpha Omicron Pi as they remain active collegiate members during this time.
If you have questions after reading all of the posted information, we welcome them. We ask for your continued patience and support as answers may not be immediately be available due to the evolving nature of this situation. As always, our professional staff and volunteer team are here to support you.
For the most up to date information about the Coronavirus/COVID-19 from the CDC, click here.