The Significance of Being at Home

By Rebecca Shipley Ziga, Chi Lambda (U of Evansville), Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee Chair
“Home” is a word that carries multiple meanings. As a noun, home represents a permanent structure where one lives. As an adjective, teams speak about having a home court advantage. We often also hear that home is where the heart is. Within the context of our Fraternity, home intertwines with a sense of belonging, purpose, and shared values; creating a space where members can nurture their inner selves while contributing positively to their community and our sisterhood.
Sense of Belonging and Acceptance
At its core, the word home represents, for many, a deep sense of belonging and acceptance. Within AOII, we hope our members find a community that embraces them unconditionally, fostering an environment where they can explore and express their true selves. This acceptance is not merely superficial but grounded in shared values of integrity, respect, and lifelong friendship.
Nurturing Growth and Development
Just as a physical home provides shelter and sustenance, our sisterhood offers support and encouragement for members to flourish academically, socially, and personally. Our Founders hoped for all members to find personal growth and development and expressed this through AOΠ Rituals. Through mentorship, leadership opportunities, and meaningful connections, AOII empowers its members to achieve their full potential.
Service and Purpose
Many core AOII values are expressed in the word home. This single word encompasses a shared commitment to service and purpose. AOII encourages members to contribute positively to their communities through philanthropic endeavors and volunteerism. This collective effort not only strengthens bonds among sisters but also fulfills a higher purpose of making a difference in the world. We are tasked with sharing our AOII home with others.
Tradition and Legacy
In AOII, home is also rooted in tradition and legacy. The Fraternity’s rich history and unchanging Ritual connect members across generations, creating a sense of continuity and belonging that transcends time. Through these traditions, members honor the past while shaping the future of ΑOII with their contributions, leadership, and care towards each other. There is a paragraph in the “Service for Dedicating an AOII Facility” that sums up how our home reflects how we treat each other:
“May we ever gather round our hearth in true friendship. May we be generous in judgment. Guard this threshold from all ill will. May love and harmony ever dwell within our walls.”
Inner Sanctuary and Reflection
Lastly, our AOII home serves as an inner sanctuary for reflection and inspirational growth. Amidst the demands of academic life and personal challenges, we are hopeful that our members find solace and strength within the supportive network of sisters. This dimension of home encourages mindfulness, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of one’s purpose and place in the world.
Home within AOII strives to embody a place of acceptance, growth, purpose, and tradition. It is where our sisters look to find friendship and support but also opportunities for personal and collective fulfillment through service and leadership. Through these shared values and experiences, AOII nurtures a sense of home that remains foundational throughout its members’ lives.
You may contact the Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee (RT&J) about anything Ritual-related at RT&