AOII Strikeout! Arthritis Office Hours

Spring is here, we know it’s a popular time for AOII chapters to hold our signature Strike Out Arthritis! events. Whether your chapter hosts baseball tournaments, wiffle ball games, bowling events, just to name a few—we want to help you make sure that they are successful on campus!
Have you already planned your Strike Out Arthritis! event? Do you want assistance in planning and promotions? OR do you just want to talk through your event ideas and get feedback? We’re here to help!
Schedule an “office hour” with Courtney Dillard, AOII’s Associate Director of Communications on Wednesday, April 6th and Thursday, April 7th anytime from 10am until 4pm CST. We’ll be conducting visits in 30-minute increments, and would love to give you additional insight and tools to make your SOA event memorable!