Alpha Omicron Pi Is…

By Cindy Tooley, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U), Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee
I previously served AOII as the Chapter Advisor for Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U). We were heartbroken when this beloved chapter closed a few years ago. While cleaning out the chapter house, we found the poem below which had been tucked away inside a binder. I saved it and each time I read this piece, it has new significance and touches me in meaningful ways. I decided it was past time to share this lovely poem instead of keeping it tucked away. The sister who wrote it signed it as unknown. If you are the author reading this today, know your work has been cherished, loved and now shared!
Alpha Omicron Pi is a whisper of magic, a shimmer of beauty, and a touch of mystery.
As changeable as a young woman’s mind.
AOII is a shoulder to lean upon, an ear eager to understand, a quick wink to reassure and a smile to brighten any troubled heart.
Alpha Omicron Pi is not an intruder upon life, but rather an inner presence which seems to softly and naturally emerge.
AOII will breathe with you, but not for you; call out to you, but not after you; walk beside you, but neither behind you or before you.
Alpha Omicron Pi appreciates, cherishes and loves your best, though all the while patiently and knowingly accepts your worst.
AOII is the potential of expectations, it is the subtle rays of dawn before day, a secret love not yet explored, a mischievous hint of a smile on an otherwise solemn face.
Alpha Omicron Pi is not for one person to describe, because it does not exist for one person.
AOII is you. AOII is me. And in the end…AOII is another beginning.
– Author Unknown
You may contact the Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee (RT&J) about anything Ritual-related at RT&