Advising With Ambition Spring 2024

Spring 2024 Advising with Ambition sessions are available for registration – and they are all brand new!
The Training Ambassador team will be facilitating conversations on officer-specific topics. We are excited to keep Inspiring Ambition in our Advisors, just in an updated format than in the past, and welcome some guest speakers as well! Our goal with these sessions is that you, as an advisor, feel more confident in the topic being discussed in whatever sessions you choose to register for. Join us to expand your knowledge, network, and connect with other advisors! While these sessions are geared toward advisors, they are open to all AOII alumnae. Register below!
Wednesday, 3/6 at 7pm CT, Advising with Ambition (March Session): New Member Experience and Retention
This session will be hosted by Training Ambassador, Gabby Rivera (Upsilon/U of Washington). Join us and guest speakers, Katie Taylor (Zeta Psi/East Carolina U) & Samantha Kemp (Zeta Theta/California State U, Chico), to discuss best practices in supporting officers leading the new member experience! This is open to all AOII alumnae, but geared towards advisors! Estimated duration: 1.5 hours.
Wednesday, 4/17 at 7pm CT, Advising with Ambition (April Session): PR-paring for Fall Recruitment (Creating a PR Plan)
This session will be hosted by Training Ambassador, Laura Boyer (Lambda Beta/California State U, Long Beach). Join us and guest speakers, Lauren Elliott (Alpha Chi/Western Kentucky U, Susanne Fenoglio (Rho Omicron/Middle Tennessee State U), and Kayla Huggins (Delta Omega/Murray State U), to discuss best practices in coaching chapters in creating a PR plan to prepare for Fall Recruitment! This is open to all AOII alumnae, but geared towards advisors! Estimated duration: 1.5 hours.
Information for additional sessions coming soon!
Another way to receive some tips, trainings, and help with learning best practices: Request an Ambassador on AlphaLink for additional CCAB/ET support. Go to AlphaLink, click your chapter in the top right corner, and then Forms & Reports > Ambassador Visit Request. Ambassador travel is funded by the Fraternity and the chapter is responsible for finding overnight accommodations (if necessary) and meals during the visit.
Please contact Samantha Kemp, Assistant Director of Education & Training at with questions.