2024 AOII Award Competition Winners

AOII Fraternity Awards
Please join us in congratulating the following members and chapters on their achievements throughout the past biennium!
Collegiate Chapter Awards
Chapter of Excellence
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Gamma Phi, Seton Hall U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Omicron, U of Tennessee Knoxville
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Theta Iota, California State U San Marcos
Inspiring Ambition in Community Relations
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Delta Delta, Auburn U
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U
Delta Omega, Murray State U
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Iota Theta, Monmouth U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Nu Beta, U of Mississippi
Omicron, U of Tennessee Knoxville
Rho Delta, Samford U
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Tau Omicron, U of Tennessee Martin
Theta Delta, Troy U
Theta Iota, California State U San Marcos
Inspiring Ambition in Membership Experience
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Alpha Psi, Bowling Green State U
Beta Gamma, Michigan State U
Beta Kappa, U of British Columbia
Beta Phi, Indiana U
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Chi Theta, Northeastern State U
Delta Omega, Murray State U
Delta Tau, U of Alabama Huntsville
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Gamma Phi, Seton Hall U
Iota Theta, Monmouth U
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Omega Sigma, Oklahoma State U
Omicron, U of Tennessee Knoxville
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Theta Delta, Troy U
Theta Iota, California State U San Marcos
Inspiring Ambition in Membership Integrity
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Delta Delta, Auburn U
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Iota Theta, Monmouth U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Lambda Tau, U of Louisiana Monroe
Omicron, U of Tennessee Knoxville
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Theta Iota, California State U San Marcos
Zeta, U of Nebraska
Inspiring Ambition in Membership Recruitment
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Delta Delta, Auburn U
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U
Delta Omega, Murray State U
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Iota Theta, Monmouth U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Omicron, U of Tennessee Knoxville
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
Theta Iota, California State U San Marcos
Inspiring Ambition in Operations
Alpha, Columbia U
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Beta Kappa, U of British Columbia
Delta Beta, U of Louisiana Lafayette
Delta Delta, Auburn U
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Gamma Phi, Seton Hall U
Iota Theta, Monmouth U
Kappa Chi, Northwestern State U
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Lambda Epsilon, U of Waterloo
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Phi Upsilon, Purdue U
Rho Delta, Samford U
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Theta Iota, California State U San Marcos
Inspiring Ambition in Programming & Enrichment
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Alpha Pi, Florida State U
Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville
Delta Omega, Murray State U
Delta Tau, U of Alabama Huntsville
Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State U
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Gamma Phi, Seton Hall U
Iota Theta, Monmouth U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Lambda Beta, California State U Long Beach
Lambda Epsilon, U of Waterloo
Nu Beta, U of Mississippi
Omicron, U of Tennessee Knoxville
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
Sigma Rho, Slippery Rock U
Tau, U of Minnesota
Theta Iota, California State U San Marcos
Xi Omicron, U of Arkansas
Inspiring Ambition Executive Team Award
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Delta Delta, Auburn U
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Gamma Phi, Seton Hall U
Iota Theta, Monmouth U
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Nu Beta, U of Mississippi
Omicron, U of Tennessee Knoxville
Phi Upsilon, Purdue U
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
Theta Iota, California State U San Marcos
Zeta Pi, U of Alabama Birmingham
Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Advisory Board
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Alpha Pi, Florida State U
Beta Phi, Indiana U
Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Iota Theta, Monmouth U
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
Theta Iota, California State U San Marcos
McCausland Cup
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Chapter Progress
Theta Delta, Troy U
Alumnae Chapter Awards
Alumnae Chapter Excellence Award
Calgary Alumnae Chapter
Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter
Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter
Reno-Tahoe Alumnae Chapter
Sea to Sky Alumnae Chapter
Toledo Area Alumnae Chapter
Inspiring Ambition Alumnae: Collegiate Chapter Engagement Award
Atlanta Alumnae Chapter
Calgary Alumnae Chapter
Denver Alumnae Chapter
Lincoln Alumnae Chapter
Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter
Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter
Sea to Sky Alumnae Chapter
Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter
Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter
Toledo Area Alumnae Chapter
Inspiring Ambition Alumnae: Communications Award
Atlanta Alumnae Chapter
Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter
Calgary Alumnae Chapter
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter
Denver Alumnae Chapter
Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter
Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter
Reno-Tahoe Alumnae Chapter
San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter
Toledo Area Alumnae Chapter
Inspiring Ambition Alumnae: Community & Panhellenic Involvement Award
Calgary Alumnae Chapter
Denver Alumnae Chapter
Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter
Reno-Tahoe Alumnae Chapter
Sea to Sky Alumnae Chapter
Inspiring Ambition Alumnae: Membership Experience Award
Athens Alumnae Chapter
Atlanta Alumnae Chapter
Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter
Calgary Alumnae Chapter
Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter
Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter
Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter
Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter
Reno-Tahoe Alumnae Chapter
Sea to Sky Alumnae Chapter
Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter
Toledo Area Alumnae Chapter
Inspiring Ambition Alumnae: Membership Recruitment Award
Calgary Alumnae Chapter
Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter
Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter
Monroe Alumnae Chapter
Sea to Sky Alumnae Chapter
Toledo Area Alumnae Chapter
Individual Awards
Carole Jurenko Jones Award
Nicki Meneley, Alpha Chi Omega
Muriel T. McKinney Award
Leslie Michaels, Nu Lambda (U of Southern California), Chapter Advisor for Theta Iota (California State U San Marcos)
Stella George Stern Perry Award
Nevaeh McIntyre, Sigma Delta (Huntingdon College)
Mary Louise Roller Award
Hope Rider, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Alumnae Woman of Leadership
Becki Braatz Bair, Theta Psi (U of Toledo)
Lindsey Forbes, Delta Nu (U of Nevada Reno)
Dorothy Sanders Wells, Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College)
Collegiate Woman of Leadership
Michelle Taylor, Chi Theta (Northeastern State U)
Maggie Wyatt, Gamma Omicron (U of Florida)
Madalyn Dudley, Nu Beta (U of Mississippi)
Jaci Ervin, Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana at Monroe)
Greta Fobare Theta Psi (U of Toledo)
Annabelle Goodman, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U)
Gabriela Matos, Iota Theta (Monmouth U)
Brooke Turley, Gamma Delta (U of South Alabama)
Mackenzie Welsh, Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska at Kearney)
AOII Foundation Awards
Excellence in Fundraising - Alumnae Recognition
Winner: Southern Orange County Alumnae Chapter
Honorable Mention: Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter
Excellence in Fundraising - Collegiate Recognition
Large Category:
Winner: Delta Delta (Auburn U)
Honorable Mention: Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Medium Category:
Winner: Theta Delta (Troy U)
Honorable Mention: Delta Omega (Murray State U)
Small Category:
Winner: Beta Eta (Gettysburg College)
Honorable Mention: Epsilon Gamma (U of Northern Colorado)
Extra Small Category:
Winner: Delta Lambda (Columbus State U)
Honorable Mention: Kappa Delta (Wright State U)