2022 AOII Award Winners

AOII Fraternity Awards
For the first time ever, AOII Awards will be announced statically on social media and at our various summer events line-up! The announcement dates for Collegiate Chapter, Alumnae Chapter, and Individual Awards are below. Follow along on our social media as we celebrate members and chapters on their achievements throughout the past year!
Collegiate Chapter Awards
Chapter of Excellence
2022 McCausland Cup
Excellence In Lifetime Engagement
Excellence In Membership Experience
Excellence In New Member Experience
Excellence In Membership Recruitment
Excellence In Programming and Enrichment
Excellence In Philanthropy and Service
Excellence in Communications and PR
Outstanding Advisory Board
Outstanding Executive Team
Alumnae Chapter Awards
Excellence In Membership Recruitment
Excellence In Membership Experience
Excellence In Community and Panhellenic Involvement
Excellence In Communications
Excellence In Collegiate Engagement
Alumnae Chapter of Excellence
Individual Collegiate Awards
2022 Stella George Stern Perry Award
Lydia Elliott: Kappa Kappa (Ball State University)
2022 Mary Louise Roller Award
- Annika Lundberg, Alpha Pi (Florida State University)
- Katelyn Richardson, Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky University)
2022 Collegiate Woman of Leadership Award
Abbey Norvell, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky University)
Abbey Norvell served as the Executive Vice President and Scholarship Chair of SGA, creating the first ISEC scholarship distributed by SGA and awarding over 20 computers free-of-cost to students in need. She also served as the Circle of Sisterhood Director for Panhellenic Council, raising over $5,000 for a school build in an underserved part of Malawi. As Assistant Philanthropy Chair for AOII, she helped raise over $9,000 for the Arthritis Foundation while maintaining a 4.0 GPA and serving as Western Kentucky’s Homecoming Queen.
Payton Drefcinski, Kappa Kappa (Ball State University)
Payton Drefcinski has demonstrated leadership to the highest degree through her variety of internships, research fellowships, and community service, making her a well-rounded and ambitious agent of change. In Kappa Kappa, Payton has served as Awards Chair and VP of Membership Integrity, implementing attendance plans and a self-defense seminar that she designed and led. Along with this involvement, Payton is a Student Honors Council delegate, the Vice President of Alpha Kappa Delta, and a member of the Dean’s Advisory Board at Ball State. She has been recognized nationally for her outstanding academic vigor as an editor of UReCA National Journal, as well as a presenter at multiple national conferences. In her final year at Ball State, she has innovated a campus-wide fundraiser to benefit 6 local nonprofits and shelter, striving for society’s dignified treatment of the impoverished and marginalized.
HarMonee Baltzell, Chi Lambda (University of Evansville)
HarMonee Baltzell is an energetic and dedicated AOII who seeks to truly inspire ambition. She is involved with Black Student Union, International Club, Student Government, and much more. She established a student’s right organization on campus called, Fighting Aces Student Empowerment. She is also involved in the local community serving TeenPower youth staff, and AmeriCorp. Additionally, HarMonee participates in local theatre and has proven to be an inspiring presenter on History of Black Music to the UE African American alumnae chapter and on campus during Black History Month.
Kennedy Aswegen, Beta Gamma (Michigan State University)
Kennedy Aswegen has demonstrated outstanding leadership within her chapter, greater university community, and Panhellenic Council. Last year she served as Chapter President of Beta Gamma Chapter and now currently serves as Panhellenic President. As Panhellenic President she has prioritized risk management to provide a safer environment for the Fraternity & Sorority Life community. The implementations and initiatives that Kennedy and her council have taken regarding Risk Management & Social Policies is setting an example for all the members of their community. As a Special Elementary Education major, she intends to be a future educator, and she finds time to prioritize her studies and interactions with students.
Hannah Nicks, Beta Gamma (Michigan State University)
Hannah Nicks is a leader not just by definition or title, she inspires leadership in those around her by being flexible, collaborative, and passionate. She was selected as Chapter President of the Year at Michigan State. Hannah takes on the responsibility of being a leader while continuously working to assist those she leads by mentoring and preparing them to take on leadership positions. Additionally, Hannah has made it a priority to unobtrusively provide guidance and instill confidence in her sisters and fellow students.
Emma Schneider, Kappa Kappa (Ball State University)
Emma Schneider is not only an exceptional leader, but also is a very empathetic, compassionate person with a person-first attitude. Her leadership endeavors have included many clubs, organizations, and volunteer opportunities. She is active in the Fashion Merchandising Association, Fashion Design Society, and Dance Marathon Merchandising Committee. She is also a member of Philanthropy Education Council where she has been a leader for the Special Events chair which saw a 60% increase in student giving on One Ball State Day. She has been a volunteer for many organizations breaking the stigma around addiction and has raised over $2,000 for the Muncie Mission.
Raquelle Franklin, Lambda Tau (The University of Louisiana at Monroe)
Raquelle Franklin has served Lambda Tau as Panhellenic Delegate Assistant and Social Chairman in the past, and currently, she serves as Vice President of Recruitment. Through her years in AOII, Raquelle has been awarded Most Involved Member and Junior of the Year awards and was nominated for Homecoming and Mardi Gras court, which she won. On campus, she is active in Student Government Association, the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association, and the freshmen orientation team where she was promoted to staff leader because of her great leadership and enthusiasm for ULM. She has also very active in local community service activities.
Audrey Goodman, Tau Omega (Transylvania University)
Within Tau Omega, Audrey Goodman is Vice President of Operations. She took on this role as a sophomore and worked tirelessly to ensure that she exceeds all her responsibilities. On campus, she is active in student government where she headed up a committee to rewrite the student handbook. She is also leading a project to help students who are eligible for benefits under the GI Bill. She is involved with international student programs and is an active-duty member of the military. She was the youngest members of her unit to be promoted to the prestigious position of Team Chief.
Molly Logsdon, Delta Omega (Murray State University)
Molly Logsdon has set an outstanding example for others to follow within her chapter through numerous officer and committee roles. She also has held the title of Executive Vice President for Student Government Association for two years. In that role she has planned events, attended conferences, and been a shining light for the students on campus. Molly has also served as President for the National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association. This has allowed her to plan meetings and events, one being a Polar Plunge event on campus where the club raised over $13,000 for Special Olympics. Molly is always the first to volunteer, the first to remind others of our purpose, the first to take action into her own hands when needed.
Ellie Jackson, Alpha Phi (Montana State University)
Ellie Jackson is known as a selfless leader. Her work in community service is inspiring in support of the underprivileged and underserved. On campus, she works tirelessly as the President of the Heart Initiative or spending time with newly elected Associated Students of Montana State University Senators as the Senate Speaker Pro Tempore acquainting them with the inner workings of the Office of Student Engagement and Senate. She is the recipient of the MSU Alumni Legacy Award, the MSU Homecoming Ambassador of Involvement and the MSU Student Organization Leader of the Year, just to name a few.
Individual Alumnae Awards
2022 Carole Jurenko Jones Award
Kim Novak, Delta Gamma Fraternity
2022 Alumnae Woman of Leadership Award
Dana Moreland, Delta Alpha (University of Missouri) Reno Tahoe, Greater Sacramento Valley, and Mid-Missouri Alumnae Chapters
Dana Moreland is the 2019 Nevada Hotel and Lodging Association’s HR Professional of the Year (and a 2020 finalist), and she was recruited to open Reno’s first four star branded hotel. The Society for Human Resource Management recently awarded her a major grant and cited Dana’s work with Project Hope, establishing a food pantry for displaced hospitality workers during the pandemic shutdown. Her community leadership includes the vision to establish the Reno Walk to Cure Arthritis and recruited AOII to co-Chair the event, and Dana has been recruited for the Arthritis Foundation Leadership Board. Additionally, she is the President of the Northern Nevada Alumnae Panhellenic.
Karen Snyder Marchese, Phi Lambda (Youngstown State University) Mahoning Valley Alumnae Chapter
Karen Snyder Marchese has an impressive resume of leadership within her career and in the philanthropic world. The list of positions she has held and places she has served is impressive. Each role has allowed her to make a difference in someone’s life through role modeling, mentoring, coaching, and teaching. Karen has displayed leadership at every level to elevate her team and build bench strength for the future. Her 30 years of service to AOII includes terms on the Executive Board, Network Director, various Network Specialist and AOII Foundation roles and service to several alumnae chapters. She is currently serving as the Chapter Advisor for Phi Lambda Chapter at Youngstown State University.
Cynthia Arvant, Beta Gamma (Michigan State University) Detroit North Suburban Alumnae Chapter
Cynthia Arvant is also known as the Hon. Cynthia Meagher Arvant, a judge in the 46th District Court in Southfield, Michigan. She is both a joiner and a do-er as her list of professional memberships and community activities are extensive and her involvement in each is always significant. As an AOII volunteer, she motivates her AOII team with unwavering devotion. She is a superb leader, mentor and has an infectious and outgoing personality. She pulls from her courtroom experience to easily talk about serious issues but can also be light-hearted in sharing about the fun days of college. Her aspirations are to eventually serve on the Supreme Court in her home state.
Terry Mize Palmer, Phi Alpha (East Tennessee State University) Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter
Terry Mize Palmer has been a leader in both the Chicago Northwest Suburban and Nashville Area Alumnae Chapters. Her involvement in Panhellenic activities spans 15 years, having just recently finished her term in Nashville in 2020. Her service to collegiate chapters is extensive, having advised at Kappa Omega (University of Kentucky), Lambda Omicron (Cumberland University) and helping numerous other chapters in areas in which she lived. As a first-generation college graduate, Terry values the power of a college education. In 2016 she created the Terry Mize Palmer scholarship to benefit Lambda Omicron and Pi Alpha Chapter members.
Melanie Clinton Quinton, Tau Omicron (University of Tennessee Martin) Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter
Melanie Quinton was the first Chapter Advisor of the Alpha Pi Chapter (Florida State) in 2013 and the founding member and Treasurer of the Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter in 2008. She now serves as the Philanthropy Advisor for the chapter. Melanie has also dedicated her time to the community around her. Melanie’s current occupation is as the Vice President of Commercial Lending at the Centennial Bank. She also currently serves as the President of the Big Bend Homeless Coalition Board and is one of their Champions of HOPE. Additionally, Melanie is the President of the Florida Banking School Class of 2024.
2022 Muriel T. McKinney Award
AOII is thrilled to announce Maggie Secrest, Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State University) as the 2022 winner of the Muriel T. McKinney Award. Muriel McKinney served as AOII’s International President from 1946-1949 and the award named in her honor was first created in 1975 to recognize a chapter advisor for outstanding guidance and length of service to a collegiate chapter.
Over the past five years, Maggie has taken her chapter to greater heights than ever before. She is the definition of a leader, wearing many hats and leading with an open heart. Maggie is the recipient of MTSU’s Outstanding Advisor award for the 2020-2021 school year. Those who know her describe her as a deserving winner for her leadership and her consistent voice of reason.
Rho Omicron’s 2019-2020 Chapter President, Ashlee Dunn, described our recipient this way, “When the world was chaotic and we were overwhelmed, Maggie was our constant and was the stability we needed. Leading Rho Omicron alongside her during such unprecedented times, will forever be my biggest honor when it comes to AOII. Not only did she care about the women of Rho Omicron succeeding together as a chapter, but more importantly she cared about each one of us individually. She taught us how to serve and lead others with love and always had the perfect timing for little a joke!”
2020-2021 Chapter President Amber Gaylon added, “I couldn’t imagine my time serving as Chapter President without having Maggie by my side and guiding me through. Maggie not only was my Chapter Advisor, but also my friend. Without Maggie’s selfless and fearless leadership, Rho Omicron would not be the chapter it is today. Rho Omicron is beyond lucky to have had Maggie as our voice of reason these past few years. And I am even luckier to witness first-hand the sacrifices she made for our women daily and the role model she has become to them.
Rho Omicron chapter members also stressed how Maggie always urged their members to prioritize the sisterhood aspect of the Fraternity. She is reliable, dedicated, and always there to help any officer in need. Maggie consistently demonstrates wisdom, ingenuity, patience, and collaboration. AOII is pleased to honor Maggie Secrest with this prestigious award.