AOII’s 2020-2021 ELC Team Announced

Alpha Omicron Pi is BEYOND thrilled to announce that we have once again assembled an extraordinary Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC) team for the 2020-2021 academic year. These nine outstanding members have accepted our employment offer:
Katie Blommel, Alpha Pi Chapter (Florida State University)
- Katie has served AOII as: Chapter President and Vice President of Education
Alyssa Craig, Beta Zeta Chapter (Kennesaw State University)
- Alyssa has served AOII as: Assistant Vice President of Membership Recruitment and Vice President of Membership Recruitment
McKenna Gallagher, Theta Iota Chapter (California State University, San Marcos)
- McKenna has served AOII as: Chapter President and Vice President of Communications
Shania Harrison, Kappa Alpha Chapter (Indiana State University)
- Shania has served AOII as: Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Finance and Chapter President
Gabby Jackson, Xi Chapter (University of Oklahoma)
- Gabby has served AOII as: Vice President of Membership Recruitment, Vice President of Chapter Development and Social Chair
Morgan Maddox, Delta Delta Chapter (Auburn University)
- Morgan has served AOII as: Panhellenic Delegate and Junior Panhellenic Delegate. She also served Auburn University as Panhellenic President.
Alivia Maxwell, Alpha Chi Chapter (Western Kentucky University)
- Alivia has served AOII as: New Member Educator
Cate Skinner, Xi Omicron Chapter (University of Arkansas)
- Cate has served AOII as: Webmistress, VP Communications, VP of Chapter Development and Chapter President.
Laura Joy (LJ) Stewart, Delta Gamma Chapter (Missouri State University)
- Laura Joy has served AOII as: Keeper of the Ritual and Vice President of Administration. She has also served on the Missouri State University Panhellenic Executive Board.
These women were impressive and outstanding among nearly 80 exceptional applicants to the ELC program and truly represent the remarkable membership experiences that our chapters provide. Please help us in congratulating and welcoming this team! They will join us at Leadership Institute this summer and begin their terms shortly thereafter with training.
Welcome ladies! We are looking forward to the great work you will do on behalf of our Fraternity!