#18in18: AOII’s Year In Review

Through the generosity of our members, AOII raised $925,000 for the Arthritis Foundation through Strike Out Arthritis! fundraising events, Jingle Bell Run events and Walk to Cure Arthritis events in 2018!
AOII’s two 2018 JWH Cup chapters were honored at receptions in the spring with many guests in attendance including International President Gayle Fitzpatrick. Congratulations again to Alpha Delta/U of Alabama and Kappa Tau/Southeastern Louisiana U!
During the 2018 Fraternity Communications Association Annual Meeting awards, AOII was recognized with seven awards. They include:
- 1st place, 2018 William C. Lever Total Communication Award
- 1st place, Annual Report
- 1st place, Critic’s Choice Logo Design
- 2nd place, e-newsletter
- 3rd place, Excellence in Digital Integrated Marketing
- 3rd place, Best Online Magazine or Blog
- 3rd place, Inter/National Website.
AOII salutes the 1,689 AOII volunteers who currently serve as members of a collegiate chapter Alumnae Advisory Committee (AAC)! Thank you for your service!
New training webinars provided resources and information to volunteers, encouraging a focus on education and collaboration with chapters, volunteers and staff partners. These webinars were offered monthly for Network Specialists and bi-monthly for Chapter Advisers.
AOII Recruitment and Training Ambassadors made a total of 91 visits across the U.S and Canada throughout 2018. These visits provided in-depth trainings for Alumnae Advisory Committee (AAC) members and collegiate chapter members.
AOII partnered with Ross Szabo to provide the Behind Happy Faces educational curriculum to all collegiate and alumnae members to address a critical need in our society. Behind Happy Faces is a program to better understand mental health, learn coping skills and how to best support a sister.
In 2018 AOII began conducting an alumnae census with PCI, Inc. to update our database and create an alumnae directory to be published in 2019.
Hundreds of AOII sisters supported AOII’s first alumnae dues model directed to AOII sisters who were not already members of an AOII alumnae chapter.
In 2018 AOII rolled out DignityU, an education program designed to empower members to make the choice in every interaction to honor the inherent value and worth of another human being.
AOII successfully celebrated our second annual Women’s Health Week, May 13-19, by featuring content from subject matter experts on a woman’s mind, body and spirit.
AOII was proud to be a supporting sponsor of both of the Arthritis Foundation’s 2018 Juvenile Arthritis Conferences and donated over 800 pandas to JA children in attendance.
Delta Gamma/Missouri State U, Alpha Delta/U of Alabama, Lambda Psi/Arizona State U and Delta Tau/U of Alabama in Huntsville celebrated the opening of their new houses in 2018. Additionally, two house dedications were held for Phi Upsilon/Purdue U and Delta Nu/U of Nevada, Reno.
AOII was thrilled to install the Lambda Psi Chapter/Arizona State U on January 21 by International President Gayle Fitzpatrick.
Over 450 CPs, CAs and VPCs attended AOII’s annual Leadership Academy in February for training and education surrounding AOII’s new brand. In June, over 850 members attended AOII’s annual Leadership Institute including CPs, CAs, VPEs and network volunteers.
AOII was pleased to install two new alumnae chapters in 2018! Congratulations to the members of Eastern Iowa Alumnae Chapter (installed May 26, 2018) and Treasure Valley Alumnae Chapter (installed October 20, 2018).
To the delight of many AOII sisters, a new diamond, garnet or diamond/garnet badge pendant was approved by the Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee. To learn more or purchase, click this link to visit the Herff Jones website.
AOII’s work with the National Panhellenic Conference during 2018 was significant in large part because of the leadership of NPC Chairman and AOII Past International President Carole Jones. From leading the Conference through a historic structure change to fighting against hazing and policies that would restrict the rights of students to freely associate, AOII is proud to be a part of a conference facing challenges and embracing opportunities together! #StandUpToHarvard