2022 Awards Competition Application Process

Several changes have been made to the 2022 Awards Process. Please carefully read the instructions below and within each award submission form. With the exception of the McCausland Cup, all collegiate and alumnae awards will be by video submission rather than a written submission. Within each award category listed below, there are 3-5 question prompts for chapters to address in their video submissions. Read the General Instruction section below for more details.
In most cases, Letters of Recommendation for advisers will NOT be required this year. There are a few exceptions to this (i.e. Collegiate Chapter Excellence, and some individual awards such as the Perry and Roller Awards), so please read the application form closely.
Eligibility requirements are as follows:
- The chapter may not be 30 days or more past due on any fees owed to the Fraternity or the chapter’s Corporation.
- Meet the award submission deadline of March 1, 2022 at 11:59 PM CT
General Instructions
- All collegiate and alumnae chapter award category applications are now a video submission process. There are no written submissions except filling out the application form accessible below. Only this form and your video link are required.
- All individual award category applications (ie., Perry, Roller, Rose, etc.) remain a written submission process accessible through the links below.
- Videos may NOT be sourced out to professionals and must be recorded through Zoom or a similar platform.
- Most videos should be no longer than 7 minutes per award and cover the requested question prompts. (A couple categories do allow for a longer video. Read EACH application closely for the submission requirements.) Prompts marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
- Video cloud recordings should not be deleted until after 5/15/2022.
- Presenters are allowed to screen share and/or show a slide presentation. We encourage the use of the AOII brand.
- Video examples have been prepared by our ELCs and are provided below.
- Be sure to test your link by sending it to someone else prior to submitting the application.
- Wording in the prompt questions references the current officer structure. We understand that chapters may need to reference past officer positions in their videos.
Example Videos
Video Linking Instructions
Video submissions should be shared as a Zoom Cloud Recording (or similar platform), Dropbox, or a Google Drive link. Make sure that your video recording is not deleted until after 5/15/2022.
- For Zoom (or similar platform)- please ensure that the recording is set to be shared publicly, that there is no expiration date, and that the password protection is turned off of cloud recording sharing. If judges cannot access the video due to password protection, it will be disqualified.
- For Google Drive – upload the video file to Google Drive and use the “get link” feature, ensuring that anyone on the internet with this link can view.
- For Dropbox – upload the video file to Dropbox and use the “copy link” share feature.
Direct general award questions to awardssubmitted@alphaomicronpi.org.
Direct specific video questions to Madison Smith, Digital Marketing Manager at msmith@alphaomicronpi.org.
Alumnae Chapter Awards
All Alumnae Chapter Awards are by video submission. Click each award link for more information.
- The Alumnae Chapter Excellence Awards are presented to the most outstanding overall alumnae chapters each biennium. Recipients must excel in all areas of operations.
Alumnae Excellence in Collegiate Engagement
Alumnae Excellence in Communications
Alumnae Excellence in Community and Panhellenic Involvement
Alumnae Excellence in Membership Experience
Alumnae Excellence in Membership Recruitment
AOII Foundation Excellence in Fundraising Awards
- The AOII Foundation will also present Excellence in Fundraising Awards to alumnae chapters who have submitted the highest total giving to our Foundation’s Loyalty Fund, Ruby Fund, Foundation Scholarships or Arthritis. These awards are given based on the total amount of dollars raised by chapters as of April 15, 2022. No application process is needed for these awards.
Collegiate Chapter Awards
All Collegiate Chapter Awards are by video submission. Click each award link for more information.
- The Collegiate Chapter Excellence Awards are presented to the most outstanding overall collegiate chapters each biennium. Recipients must excel in all areas of operations.
Excellence in Communications and PR
Excellence in Lifetime Engagement
Excellence in Membership Experience
Excellence in Membership Recruitment
Excellence in New Member Experience
Excellence in Philanthropy and Service
Excellence in Programming and Enrichment
Outstanding Alumnae Advisory Board
AOII Foundation Excellence in Fundraising Awards
- The AOII Foundation will also present Excellence in Fundraising Awards to collegiate chapters who have submitted the highest total giving to our Foundation’s Loyalty Fund, Ruby Fund, Foundation Scholarships or Arthritis. These awards are given based on the total amount of dollars raised by chapters as of April 15, 2022. No application process is needed for these awards.
Individual Awards
All Individual awards remain a written submission process. Click each award link for more information.
Annual Awards:
Alumnae Woman of Leadership Award (AWOL)
- This annual award is presented to alumnae women who demonstrate outstanding leadership. While leadership within Alpha Omicron Pi is considered, it is not mandatory for this award. Any AOII member may submit this nomination.
Collegiate Woman of Leadership Award (CWOL)
- This annual award is presented to collegiate women who demonstrate outstanding leadership. While leadership within Alpha Omicron Pi is considered, it is not mandatory for this award. Any AOII member may submit this nomination.
- This annual award honors a sorority alumna who has made a lasting impression and significant contribution to the Fraternity and/or interfraternal movement. An alumna member of any sorority organization is eligible. Any AOII member may submit this nomination.
- This annual award honors a collegiate member who has provided outstanding service and leadership to her local Panhellenic, campus, and/or community. Collegiate chapters may submit this nomination.
- This annual award is given to a Chapter Adviser for outstanding guidance and length of service to a collegiate chapter. The nominee must have served in the CA role for at least two years. Any AOII member may submit this nomination.
Stella George Stern Perry Award
- This annual award is presented to the one collegiate chapter president who, by outstanding service to her chapter, exceptional inspiration to its members, and recognition by administration and/or fellow students of her college or university, typifies the Alpha Omicron Pi so beloved by Stella George Stern Perry. The Perry Award is the HIGHEST distinction given to a collegiate member of Alpha Omicron Pi. Only collegiate chapters can submit this nomination.
- These annual awards recognize alumnae who serve AOII solely because of their devotion to the Fraternity, its members and its ideals. The Rose Award says “Thank You” to loyal alumnae for their lifetime commitment and dedication to AOII. All alumnae may submit and are eligible for a Rose Award.