Ruby Fund Message For 2018-2019

To be read at your chapter Founders’ Day celebration or reprinted in your newsletter:
Happy Founders’ Day, sisters!
Each year at Founders’ Day, we highlight the Ruby Fund and ask for the support of our sisters to continue funding this vital program.
The Ruby Fund was created to provide financial assistance to sisters in dire need who suffer from economic hardship due to natural disasters, medical expenses, death of a family member or unemployment. Founders’ Day is the perfect time to remember this fund because our Founders set a standard of commitment to one another that is characterized by loyalty and most importantly, being a friend when a sister needs it the most.
The number of hurricanes, forest fires, and other natural disasters that have impacted our sisters just this year is a reminder to all of us that you never know when you may lose everything. Knowing that the Ruby Fund is a resource in an unexpected time of need should be a comfort, but it can only continue to help sisters like you with our continued financial support.
As one of our Ruby Fund committee members shared, “The knowledge that we are helping others is hugely empowering. Being involved with the Ruby Fund makes me happier and more fulfilled. Every one of us has the ability to improve the lives of others. It is a privilege that reinforces my own personal values as well as the Fraternity’s.”
Thankfully, most of you will never find yourself in dire need. However, if you do, the Ruby Fund is here to assist you. It is just another way that AOII can be the friend upon whom you should have no fear to call.
Join us in making your donation to the Ruby Fund this year, to ensure that every sister has a place to turn when devastation is upon them. Most importantly, give because that is who we are as AOII sisters.
Theresa Ludvigson, Chairman, Chi Psi
Allie Bassett, Committee Member, Theta Omega
Serena Bell, Committee Member, Beta Gamma
Toni Morgan, Committee Member, Alpha Chi
Laura Plummer, Committee Member, Alpha Delta
Rissa Reddan, Foundation Board Liaison, Omega