2021-2023 AOII Foundation Board Candidate Application Now Posted

We are excited to announce the 2020-2021 AOII Foundation Nominating Committee. They began their responsibilities on September 1, 2020. The AOII Foundation Nominating Committee will be seeking applicants for Board Directors and Officers using the job description and application below.
2020-2021 AOII Foundation Nominating Committee:
- Dionn Tron (Omega), Nominating Committee Chair & Past AOII Foundation Board Director, Chapter Advisor (Omega)
- Andrea Dill (Chi Psi), Nominating Committee Member & 2019-2021 AOII Foundation Board President
- Morgan Harkrider (Gamma Sigma), Nominating Committee Member, AOII Foundation Committee Member, Network Director (Network 5)
- Caroline Lazarra (Lambda Beta), Nominating Committee Member, Past AOII Foundation Board Director, Past Properties Board, Past Executive Board
- Dorothy Spenner (Phi Chi), Nominating Committee Member, AOII Foundation Committee Member
2021-2023 AOII Foundation Board Election Information
If you or a sister you know may be qualified and interested in the opportunity to serve on the AOII Foundation Board, please read the information below.
- AOII Foundation Board Positions Descriptions
- AOII Foundation Board Member Expectations
- Election Advocacy Policy
Thank you for helping identify new leaders as we continue to work for you and for Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation!
October 1, 2020
Foundation Board Candidate Application, Officer Position Descriptions and Expectations, and Foundation Board Advocacy policy are posted on the AOII website.
December 1, 2020
Foundation Board Candidate Applications are due to the Foundation Nominating Committee.
December 15, 2020
Foundation Board Candidates are announced via email communication to Council.
The applicant endorsement and feedback period is now open. If you would like to share information with the Nominating Committee on an applicant please do so by February 1st at 11:59pm CT. All AOII members in good standing may submit to the Nominating Committee by email, regular mail, or phone any constructive feedback regarding the potential candidates.
- By email – Sent to the Nominating Committee at FNDNC@alphaomicronpi.org
- By mail – Direct via regular mail to Dionn Tron, 2278 Dana Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45208
- By phone – Request a phone call with a member of the Nominating Committee by sending an email at FNDNC@alphaomicronpi.org
January and February 2021
Candidate Interviews and reference checks will be conducted.
By March 2021
Candidates will be notified.
March 1, 2021
Ballot is announced and Candidate Information is published in The Call to Convention.
Thank you for your enthusiasm for and participation in the 2021-2023 AOII Foundation Board Nomination process! Following a review of nomination materials, member comments and candidate interviews, the AOII Foundation Nominating Committee is pleased to announce qualified candidates for election to the AOII Foundation Board of Directors for the coming biennium. The candidates, including their chapter of initiation, are as follows:
Foundation President
- Meagan Davies, Alpha Chi
- Rissa Reddan, Omega
- Jessica Bertsch, Kappa Alpha
- Kandy Bernskoetter, Sigma
- Barbara Bruning, Theta Psi
- Kath Conver, Nu Iota
- Nancy Hohmann, Phi
April and May 2021
Candidate engagement will take place.
June 2021
Foundation Board Elections are held during the Business Session at AOII International Convention.
The Nominating Committee reserves the right to adjust the timeline as needed and will communicate any changes in a timely manner. Please email the Nominating Committee at FNDNC@alphaomicronpi.org with any questions or comments. We are here to assist you at any time.