Pay Alumnae Dues

Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity is dedicated to inspiring ambition among all sisters through service, advancement, growth, and the overall AOII experience. The Fraternity is committed to lifelong friendships as our values extend beyond collegiate years. AOII annual alumnae dues will continue to consistently advance the Fraternity by offering an unparalleled membership experience for our members. Alumnae dues make it possible for the Fraternity to provide programs that benefit our members. By supporting the alumnae dues program, you champion Alpha Omicron Pi’s vision to inspire ambition among our members through giving in a meaningful way.

Alumnae dues will develop engagement opportunities within the Fraternity, and create and maintain programs and initiatives for our chapters.

This program will increase involvement between our collegiate and alumnae members, support international volunteers and staff, expand AOII’s brand and culture, and enhance international events including Convention and Leadership Institute.

The annual fee for alumnae members is $35 (Life Loyal members pay $19). Alumnae chapter members will pay dues to their respective alumnae chapters. All other members are able to pay alumnae dues online via the form below.

AOII is looking forward to your continued support of our Fraternity-wide alumnae engagement. For questions, please contact AOII’s Assistant Director of Lifetime Engagement, Kayla Reszka at or 615-370-0920.

Pay Alumnae Dues