Pay it Forward

The Pay it Forward program provides alumnae members the opportunity to financially support a collegiate chapter or a specific member of their choosing in a specific collegiate chapter. When alumnae members participate, they assume the responsibility of paying the International fees associated with collegiate chapter membership ($193.00 US chapter or $188.50 Canadian chapter).

You may either choose to select a specific member (or members) of that collegiate chapter or may donate so that the chapter leaders can select a sister/sisters in need to benefit from your Pay It Forward contribution. You can also click “Add” to include a different chapter or additional members from the same chapter. Additionally, you also can pool contributions from multiple alumnae to collectively Pay It Forward to a current collegian. The program will close on November 1, 2023.

Thank you for furthering your support to AOII and most importantly, for being the friend upon whom sisters may have no fear to call in any time of need.

Please contact Kayla Reszka, Associate Director of Lifetime Engagement with questions.


*Please note that Pay It Forward donations are not tax-deductible contributions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Pay it Forward program?

The Pay It Forward program provides alumnae members the opportunity to financially support a collegiate chapter or a specific member of their choosing. When alumnae members participate in this program, they assume the responsibility of paying the International fees associated with collegiate chapter membership.

Since its creation in 2020, the Pay it Forward program has sponsored more than 200 collegiate members.

What is the cost and what does my payment cover?

If you would like to financially support a collegiate chapter or specific collegiate member, the cost is $193.00 (US chapter) or $188.50 (Canadian chapter) which includes Annual Council Dues, Investment Fee, NPC Fee, and Operating Fee.

Are all collegiate chapter members listed?

The drop-down list for chapters provides you with the name of every collegiate member if they have been added onto the roster by the chapter. The list will not include information regarding a chapter member’s financial status. The chapters can help identify sisters in need, but we did not want to create a document that asked members to disclose their financial need on an international level- we wanted that data to stay as private as possible amongst chapter leaders.

What about new members?

At this time, the Pay it Forward program does not support specific new members as their international fees the first year are quite different than a collegiate member based on when they join a chapter. If you would like to support a new member, please contact so the Fraternity can coordinate a donation specific to the intended recipient.

How is the collegiate chapter notified of who has been chosen for the Pay it Forward program?

Collegiate chapter leadership will receive monthly reports from AOII Professional Staff that includes specific sisters who have been selected and anonymous amount totals.

I do not know any collegiate members in the chapter, how do I find a sister to sponsor?

If you do not know a specific collegiate member that you would like to sponsor, you can choose the option to select the collegiate chapter. Chapter leadership will be notified of the donation and have the opportunity to delegate the anonymous amounts to particular sisters in need.

What happens if a particular sister is selected more than once?

If a certain sister has been selected more than once, the alumnae member will be notified and asked if she would like to choose another sister, elect it to the chapter, or receive a refund.

When is the deadline for the Pay it Forward program?

In order to complete our accounting processes to accurately credit the funds for collegiate members, program participation will close on November 1, 2023.

Does AOII offer any options to donate a partial amount?

Alumnae member donations may only be in the full amount of the international fees ($193.00 or $188.50). Members may choose to split the Pay it Forward amount and have one sister create the donation. All members can be listed on the donation line and the chapter is notified of all donors unless marked anonymous.