Linda Grandolfo Receives Arthritis Foundation Champion Award

The Arthritis Foundation Champion Award recognizes volunteer leaders who have demonstrated a commitment to furthering the mission of the Arthritis Foundation (AF) through fundraising efforts, opening doors, building partnerships, engaging volunteers, and/or championing mission related activities to expand the Live Yes! Arthritis Network in their own community. The Arthritis Foundation shared the following salute to Linda in their presentation of this prestigious award:

Linda B. Grandolfo
Linda Grandolfo has passionately volunteered for the Arthritis Foundation for over 15 years. She first got involved through our longtime partnership with Alpha Omicron Pi, a women’s fraternity firmed dedicated to advancing the arthritis movement.
Linda’s exceptional leadership skills have kept us growing stronger in the greater Chicago area and beyond, bolstering community connections and resources. Besides her support through AOII, Linda has propelled local Walk to Cure Arthritis, Jingle Bell Run and gala events, advocacy activities and JA Camp JAM. She has personally contributed or raised at least $60,000 for our mission.
If Linda’s going to do something, she does it. If someone else commits to doing something, Linda makes sure they do it.
“My hope is that someday, with our support, children and adults will not have to live a compromised life due to this disease,” she says. “My family and friends also deal with arthritis. I hope someday they can be free of pain and lead a full life.”
Linda is an initiate of Nu Iota Chapter (Northern Illinois U), is a primary member of the Lake County of Illinois Alumnae Chapter, a secondary member in seven additional alumnae chapters, currently serves as an AOII Foundation Ambassador and as an advisor to Delta Rho Chapter (DePaul U). In addition, Linda spent numerous years serving Alpha Omicron Pi as a member of the Executive Board and Foundation Board.
Alpha Omicron Pi is beyond proud to claim Linda Grandolfo as a sister. Please join us in congratulating her on this outstanding achievement!