AOII At The 2018 JA Conferences

AOII was proud to be a supporting sponsor of the two Arthritis Foundation 2018 Juvenile Arthritis Conferences. JA Conferences provide an opportunity for kids, teens, young adults and their families to come together and receive better information about juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, as well as share stories and exchange tips that can make living with the condition easier. Families at both conferences learn about the latest medical research and treatments, how to deal with challenges at school and home, and how to become an advocate for their child. More than 800 children and their families attended one of two events held in either Seattle, Washington in June or Washington, D.C. in August. Beyond sponsoring the event, AOII also donated and presented pandas to every child in attendance. This beloved tradition is one of the event highlights for the kids. Sisters from Upsilon (U of Washington), Sigma Tau (Washington College) and Gamma Alpha (George Mason U), as well as AOII’s very own Rosie were on hand to help AOII professional staff members distribute pandas to delighted children. #StrongerThanJA