Fast Facts & Information



Our Object
The Object of this Fraternity shall be to encourage a spirit of fraternity and love among its members; to stand at all times for character, dignity, scholarship, and college loyalty; to strive for and support the best interests of the colleges and universities in which chapters are installed; and in no way to disregard, injure or sacrifice those interests for the sake of the prestige or advancement of the Fraternity or any of its chapters.
Our Culture Principles
AOII believes in a fraternal culture based on our values, and our Culture Principles were developed to provide our membership with a compass to help all members achieve the meaning of Fraternity in our Ritual. Our Culture Principles are: Accountability and Ownership, Collaboration, Engagement, Innovation, and Open and Honest Communication.
Symbols and Pins
Our Badge
Upon her initiation, each member of AOII receives a pin, which we call our AOII Badge. The Greek letters, Alpha, Omicron, and Pi are superimposed one upon the next in order.
Our New Member Pin
New Members of AOII chapters wear a golden sheaf of wheat pin until their initiation. The Sheaf of Wheat represents individuals bound together by ties of friendship and made stronger together than they are apart.
Our Charter Member Pin
Charter Members of brand new AOII chapters on a campus wear a golden rose pin until their initiation. The Rose represents new growth in the Fraternity as new chapters are chartered.
Our Color
Our Jewel
Our Flower
The 19th Century French "Jacqueminot" Rose, or a deep red rose.
Our Magazine
To Dragma, meaning “The Sheaf,” representing individuals bound together by ties of friendship.
Our International Philanthropy
Arthritis and the Arthritis Foundation
Historical Philanthropies
From 1931 until 1967, when the U.S. Government’s Social Service Programs broadened to include rural areas, AOII supported the Frontier Nursing Service as their national philanthropy.
Our Mascot
The Panda Bear. In 1976, AOII adopted the Panda Bear as our unofficial mascot, then RT&J voted to make the panda our official mascot during International Convention 2017. AOII donates hundreds of pandas every year to children attending annual Juvenile Arthritis (JA) Conferences and camps. In arthritis circles, AOIIs are known as the “Panda People,” an honor we are proud to claim. Pandas are unique for having no known natural enemies and are especially beloved by AOIIs, JA children and their families.
Our International Headquarters
Located just outside of Nashville, Tennessee at 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, Tennessee, 37027.
Our Membership & Chapters
AOII is constantly growing and serving the communities in which our members live. More than 200,000 women have been initiated into AOII at our chapters across North America. Our chapter locator can help you find a collegiate or alumnae chapter near you.
AOII & The National Panhellenic Conference
AOII is a proud member of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), an umbrella organization for 26 inter/national womens fraternities and sororities. Founded in 1902, AOII joined in 1905 as the 12th member organization to support collaboration and interfraternal friendships. NPC’s mission is to serve as the premier advocacy and support organization for the advancement of the sorority experience. NPC organizations are represented on more than 670 college and university campuses across North America and by more than 4.8 million women world-wide.