Join Team AOII This Pi Day

Nicole Cronenwett, Delta Theta (Texas Woman’s U), Foundation Board Director
Sisters! Pi Day is just days away, and we have your game day ticket details all right here!
A bit of history first, Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical sign pi. The day was founded in 1988 by physicist Larry Shaw and its date of March 14 was selected because the numerical date (3.14) represents the first three digits of Pi. The first Pi Day celebration took place at a San Francisco-based interactive science museum where Shaw worked. This celebration featured a circular parade and the eating of fruit pies. The national recognition of March 14 evolved in 2009 when the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation to formally recognize Pi Day.
It is fitting that Alpha Omicron Pi also recognize Pi Day as a fraternity, since we have Pi in our name. While we love to join in the celebration of the great pies and Pis out there, we observe Pi Day as a collaborative effort by the Foundation and the Fraternity to engage our sisters in supporting the programs that enrich our sisters’ educational and leadership experiences. Unlike other giving days, Pi Day is AOII’s branded event, and we have built a lot of fun, pie and fundraising into this day.
This year, the Foundation and Fraternity are thrilled to be once again working together as Team AOII to increase excitement across our sisterhood for this day. The goal of Pi Day this year centers on all of us being on Team AOII! We had a lot of fun last year focusing on school spirit and college loyalty, so we are rallying our coaches and players to get into the game again this Pi Day!
Now that you know a little about the history of the Pi Day “game” below are some key “routes,” along with a little insight into the team playbook, to put into play so that AOII can “win” big on this Pi Day.
- On March 14 you and sisters will give back to the sisterhood that has given so much to us all by making a gift to the AOII Foundation using AOII Math. AOII Math = numbers of years an AOII x 3.14 = your donation.
- Gifts made on Pi Day support the Loyalty Fund, the single most important resource our Foundation uses to fulfill its mission. This fund is for the operational support to fuel our Foundation, fill gaps in other funding and AOII’s most pressing needs.
- Because needs continue to grow, we are asking every sister to help reach an ambitious goal—raising $175,000 on Pi Day. Join TEAM AOII!
- AOII needs the support of every sister, every year to ensure our members continue to receive the support and the inspiration to achieve their goals.
- Every gift empowers our next generation of leaders, funds leadership grants, improves access to education through scholarships and provides the operational support to make all AOII’s programs possible.
- On March 14, go to to make your gift. Then, share on social media what AOII has given you, and why you choose to give back, on social media using the hashtag #TEAMAOII. Share your “why” with your sisters, family and friends to inspire them to make a gift.
- Together, we can make an impact that creates an even brighter future for generations of AOIIs to come.
Don’t forget…
- March 14 is a day for all AOIIs—Pi Day is our day!
- Every gift matters, whether it’s $10 or $1000. Remember AOII Math = numbers of years an AOII x 3.14 = your donation.
- Be a part of the fun—follow along on social media. There will be live social posts throughout the day.